2 In Before & Afters/ TLE Build and Design

One Room Challenge Spring Addition {WEEK ONE: THE REVEAL!}

My parents are the hardest working people I know. With six kids to feed and clothe, it was no wonder. However, growing up in a family with so many people in one household meant that new and precious things weren’t regularly given or received.

We thrifted before it was trendy. And honestly, I learned to repurpose things before I learned to tie my shoes. Although, it would have been lovely not having to share a bathroom with four girls during our teenage years, I am so entirely grateful for my humble beginnings.
Not only did my parents show us that hard work can be your one way ticket to success but they also unknowingly taught me to look at the potential in everrrryyythingggg. Repurposing all the things was a regular occurrence in our home. Creating things by hand was encouraged. To this day, my mother and I get a chuckle when we turn to each other and exclaim “I could make that!” while on a shopping excursion.

To us, nothing is off limits and everything has possibility.
And that has been my life long motto.

Why am I telling you all of this?? Because I’m going back to my roots this month in the form of a room makeover! The Spring addition of the One Room Challenge is upon us and I’m taking a different approach to this design challenge.

Typically, this challenge is an opportunity for Bloggers and Designers to show their individual style to a larger readership over a six-week period. Also, it is not uncommon for designers to reach out to companies to show off the company’s  products to their readers. The ORC is a big deal in the design and lifestyle blogging community and is going on its eleventh season!! The One Room Challenge is put on by Calling it Home and  features 20 designers, hundreds of guest participants and an amazing group of businesses that often provide product to sponsored makeovers.

However, for this challenge I want to take an unconventional approach. I want to show my readers that a made over space doesn’t have to be worth thousands and that you don’t need to have a blog with sponsored content to recreate a similar space in your home. I want to show my readers what its like to repurpose, reuse and rethink items you already have access to. I want to show you that you CAN get a huge makeover with a VERY limited budget.

As a design enthusiast, renovator and chronic decorator I am like you and have a preference for my favorite brand name items. However, for this particular makeover, you aren’t going to see any unattainable products used. Instead, by following along on my six-week room makeover you are instead going to learn all of my deal hunting ways, my thriting tips and my time saving ideas so you too can create a beautiful space — while staying within your means.

Over the years, we have listened to you. From our interactions, we have learned that although you guys love pretty spaces, room makeovers easily move down your to do list when the funds aren’t there to recreate your home’s functionality. Don’t worry. I am going to share all the nitty-gritty on how I am going to turn a piled high storage room in our basement into a retreat — while spending only a COUPLE HUNDRED DOLLARS.

Do you think we can do it?? How, you may ask??
Come along with us while I makeover a forgotten space into a wellness sanctuary, a Mom hideaway, a sanity retreat and an all around pretty little escape by repurposing and rethinking house hold items with a major side of deal hunting.

This is my forte. My roots.

Hopefully, if  you follow along, after the 6 week challenge, you will learn enough to be able to start your own home’s room makeovers!

Hold on to your sneakers friends, I’m about to take you along with me on a fun DIY adventure!
Need a place to relax in too? A place that is designed for you, by you, without breaking the bank?? This One Room Challenge is designed for real life and I am going to show you how to do just that.

Copy of Presentation – Untitled Design by Bethany

Here is a sneak peek on what I have planned. I cant wait to share all the beautiful budget friendly details with you over the next few weeks!

Have you ever created a budget friendly makeover? What did you do? Did you rethink a piece within a room or did you create a complete comfortable space?

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  • Joann @ Woman In Real Life
    April 30, 2017 at 11:20 pm

    This sounds so fun! I love a good budget-friendly room makeover! Looking forward to seeing the end result. I have definitely done a lot of low-budget decorating in the past and I enjoy incorporating thrifted and inherited pieces.

    • bethanygier
      May 4, 2017 at 1:39 am

      Thanks Joann! My favorite projects are the ones that need that little bit of creativity to stay in budget!!!