In Home Cooking/ Sweet

Mickey Mouse Cookies

My little girl has been talking about her birthday party ever since her last birthday. Sounds like most kids, right?

Well, she decided she wanted a “Mouse house” birthday which was quickly translated by her brother, into meaning she wanted a “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday”. 

At first I wondered if she would change her mind and want a typical princess party with tutus and tiaras. Nope! 
My little one had made up her mind, she wanted big black ears and fun for all! Mickey Mouse it was going to be!!!


I did what any good mother would do and immediately started scouring the Internet for ideas that would get my imagination flowing.

I came across a post HERE that made an Oreo cookie on a stick that was so cute and irresistible! It was so so simple too. I just knew we had to make them.

My kids took part in creating every last element of my daughters third birthday party.

They loved helping with this one and it shows makes me so happy.

They couldn’t wait to get started with this “baking” project.

I altered our Mickey Mouse Inspired Cookies from the ones on Two Peas In Their Pod slightly. I thought mini oreos for ears would be yummier (I know, not a word Mom) and so we split them in two to put ears on every Mickey Mouse Cookie.

The things you will need for this simple, kid friendly dessert:

  • Big Oreo cookies
  • Small Oreo Cookies
  • Red coloured chocolate baking wafers
  • Glass bowl (to melt chocolate in)
  • Pan (to heat water in)
  • Icing of your choice (to stick the big oreos back together)
  • Wax paper (to lay your cute Mickeys on)
  • Icing sugar and water
  • Piping bag (Or bag with corner snipped off ;0)

Here is how one Mama, a five year old and an almost three year old completed these super easy, delicious, didn’t-even-get-to-try-one-before-they-disappeared cookies.


There you have it gang!! Very quick and yummy.

 I seriously did not get the chance to try one at my girls party. I was so pleased they were such a big hit. 😀

A quick and easy kid friendly dessert that the whole family will love! Hope you and your loved ones will love these as much as we did!

Keep your eyes (and ears!) out for more Mickey Mouse themed party ideas coming soon.
Until then!

Are you like me and didn’t know know Mickey Mouse was back on television and winning over our little ones? Do you love everything and anything dipped in chocolate too? Am I the ONLY one who has never been here to Disney Land yet to hug the lovable big eared mouse??

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