In Home Reno & Decor Master Bathroom Progress {Free furniture is always fantastic.} I am a recovering perfectionist. This means that I would much rather show you lots of pretty pictures then the awful ones I am… Continue Reading →
In Home Reno & Decor A Smoothie Corner. {Shopping our home and waiting for Spring} Some things in life are cruel. Like, for example, when two days ago the kids and I sat in our driveway and colored for… Continue Reading →
In Home Reno & Decor HELP! Master Bedroom Updates and a Headboard Project. Last year I showed you our master bedroom reveal and ever since I have been on the hunt for a headboard for our king… Continue Reading →
In Home Reno & Decor FIVE Easy Chalkboard Projects I have always loved doodling and encourage my kids to doodle till their heart is content. Except for on the walls and the leather… Continue Reading →
In Home Reno & Decor All That Glitters is Gold! {Making a pretty little corner on the cheap.} Last night I ran out to the grocery store with our two youngest babies. You know how it goes, you run out for one… Continue Reading →
In Home Reno & Decor A Dirty Little Secret {Progress not perfection.} OK, we are all friends here, so I figured it was time that I let you in on a dirty little secret. Remember… Continue Reading →
In Home Reno & Decor Can’t stop, won’t stop, must create! {…and why tables are overrated.} People ask me why I write a blog and there are too many reasons to count. It started off as a way for me… Continue Reading →
In Home Reno & Decor Mirror Mirror on the Wall {Which one of you is the fairest of all?} I should have named this blog “Snails Pace” because that would most definitely describe our project progress. I have been trying to keep our… Continue Reading →
In Before & Afters Mater Bathroom Reno {Update! And all about learning patience.} OK, guys. You have heard my sob story before, but I mean, I think I will never let my husband live this one down.… Continue Reading →
In Home Cooking/ Tutorials A year in review! {Pretty pics, music, and my favorite new app.} I want to thank you all for the kind response we received, after you read yesterdays post. Hugs to you all! I… Continue Reading →