2 In Home Reno & Decor

A Smoothie Corner. {Shopping our home and waiting for Spring}

Some things in life are cruel. 
Like, for example, when two days ago the kids and I sat in our driveway and colored for three hours straight with side walk chalk. 
We soaked in the beautiful sun, the fresh air and basked in the +10 temperatures, and then, like it never even happened, the following day dumped a ton of heavy snow on to our beautiful chalk art.  
Did I mention it was March Break here too? And that our local weather man suggested staying off the roads since the conditions were so drastically terrible? Did I mention that we were stuck INSIDE for 24 hours?? Did I mention that we had plans to bird watch and pull up bugs from the wet ground, which ofcourse, would forever live in our newly made bug houses, that we crafted specifically for this week and the SPRING fun we hoped to enjoy??
 That was a rant. 
 (We are now enduring -40 temperatures by the way. Yes, you DID read that right, that does means MINUS FORTY.) 
Ok. I’m done complaining. Thank you a bunch for listening. I knew there were more reasons why we are friends.
My whole point is, the weather can be so very cruel to childhood adventures.
Outside it may look like the middle of winter, but inside we figured, we better make it feel like spring. 
So, we bought a bunch of beautiful and delicious fruit and have been pretending that we are enjoying hot temperatures and need to be cooled off.
 We changed our “Baking Corner” into a “Smoothie Corner”, in hopes that Spring weather is just around the corner waiting for us with more sunshine filled days and warmth galore.
Here is what we have done while trapped inside.
A little rearranging and “shopping”our house, is always a fun way to waste an afternoon.
We have been coloring on this little chalkboard sign, and taking turns drawing summer scenes on it. I shared the HOW TO here if you want to make your own chalkborad sign.
Then we filled a handy dandy glass canister with some yummy vanilla whey that is kid approved. 
Clearly, we always flex after enjoying a scoop of this protein in our morning smoothies or afternoon “nice cream”. 
(Nice Cream: Bananas, ice, milk or almond milk and vanilla whey)  
So good.
I try to get as much “good” stuff into our smoothies and icecream as I can. So I switched over our baking jars from being filled with tempting chocoalte chips and smarties into being filled with bulger, ground flax and flax seeds.
…and sometimes we may just refer to these little extras as “sprinkles”. 
Whatever works!
I found this old scale at a little thrift store and love how it holds a lot of our fruit for us. Cute and practical; a fabulous (and useful) combination.
 Tell my husband that, if you see him, okay?
Milk glass pieces also make the prettiest bowls. 
If it isn’t quite summer just yet, these strawberries and their sweet aroma have me wishfully thinking of being knee deep in mud, with my babies at my side, in a strawberry field, mid summer, picking and snacking until our hearts are content.
Soon enough!
We cant forget all the other berries we are dreaming of bringing home by the bushel; warm and fresh from the afternoon sunshine…..
Until then, you can find us at home, mixing berries and tangerines with water and ice and “sprinkles”, blending them up and sipping on smoothies. Complete with those little umbrella straws, since they make us feel like we are on a beach somewhere surrounded by white sand…not white snow.
Digging for bugs can wait.
This week we are imagining we are somewhere else, that the snow banks outside are finally melting, and that Spring is right around the corner waiting to warm us back up again.
Until then, here is a look back on how this little corner of our kitchen is constantly changing and evolving with our families needs.

The “Before”, when we had just built our new kitchen and this wall where our little corner with shelving is.
The coffee station that came in handy when we had late night projects to finish.
The hard working baking corner that made pies and bread for family and friends. It also added a few inches around our own middles and had to go. 😉

 ….and last but not least, our smoothie corner that will help us get in bathing suit shape when we finally usher in summer.
Hope you aren’t snowed in where you are and that instead, the sun is shining down on you and the near by strawberry fields.

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  • marty (A Stroll Thru Life)
    March 13, 2014 at 7:58 pm

    Oh wow, I love this idea and this is the perfect spot. It looks so pretty too. Hugs, Marty

  • Ruth Rosenblum
    March 14, 2014 at 8:43 pm

    Loved your post. Smoothie corner rocks.