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LIFE LATELY {A Meal with Dennis Prescott and World Vision}

When I was a little girl I dreamed of saving the world. I
knew however that it would be a hefty task and I would need the help of others. So I wrangled every lopsided pigtailed child I knew and all of us ironically shared the same sentiments. We all wanted to change the world.
We decided we were just kids after all and we couldn’t really leave the yard, so we would help the others that were there with us. We would save the bugs. 
As founder of this group of miniature philanthropists my first matter of business was
teaching our theme song to all of the neighbourhood children. Then, we got to work. Our bug crew saved an injured ant, rescued all the worms
from the gardens and gave a fluffy caterpillar a safe and sealed home inside of
a jar. We were small but we were doing big things.
When I think back to those good ole days when
childhood innocence had us digging up to our elbows in the dirt, I remember
the belief that making a positive difference int his world was possible.
How were all the young like minded nature lovers in my neighbourhood???  you ask. I believe that urge to save the world is within all of us. For me, it’s something I’ve never been able to kick, and I never want to.
It was during those days of playing in the dirt that a seed
was planted and out of it my love for
nature, agriculture and being around people who want to make a difference took root.
Nowadays I still want to surround myself with those who
believe in coming together for the greater good of others. Recently I had the pleasure of brushing elbows with some like minded foodies at Berkeley Fieldhouse in Toronto.
We saw first hand what changes can be made in the world and how we can be a part of it.
The creative and humble Instagram chef sensation Dennis Prescott served his edible creations with us while speaking to us about some of his
recent experiences with World Vision.
He showed us raw and beautiful photos from his recent life changing travels with World Vision that gave faces to the 200 million people who have been lifted out of hunger because of donations from people like us.

For the last month, people everywhere have been
participating in the food-sharing, kindness-driven initiative to host a
meaningful meal.
To learn more you can read this POST I shared earlier or you can sign up to be a part of the change HERE.
Holiday times with family and friends and copious amounts of food and festivities are right around the corner. That’s why this initiative is something I wanted to remind you of. The concept is an easy way to show care to
those you appreciate while gathering around food and in turn it is also a way to make a difference in the lives of
those who could benefit from assistance. Such a fun and inspirational way to enjoy a meal, right?
That’s what we thought too while we gathered for a #meaningfulmeal.
Dennis hosted us by pairing heart warming stories of his travels to Kenya along side the dishes he helped prepare for us.
One story that struck me was the one that found Dennis on location in Dzikunze Kenya where he cooked along side a woman named Nelly and her family within their tiny living quarters. They created a meal that came from their land. One that included chicken, a traditional bread and coconuts from their trees. A true farm to table meal indeed! He recreated the meal for us and it clearly displayed how introducing agriculture and horticulture in developing countries can give families immediate stability.
It also made me contemplate rural cooking quarters compared to our everyday kitchen luxuries. It took me back in time, to the memories of digging in the backyard garden’s dirt and wanting so badly to make a difference.
We are no longer the little neighbourhood children with the yard’s fence as our limitations. We are capable of coming together and making a difference in the lives who need our assistance.
World Vision has supplied 161,000 metric tonnes of food to 33 countries to help children and families fight hunger and malnutrition. Not only that but they are giving the gift of agriculture and food security by teaching and supporting communities to grow their own resources right where they are. My dirt digging, chicken rearing, food growing heart loves that!
Dennis’s work with World Vision is inspiring. It is also a fabulous and humbling reminder that we don’t need a plane ticket to create change. Change can happen anytime, anywhere by anyone.
“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. ” ~Margaret Mead
After all, I don’t see a fence in sight holding us back anymore.
To follow along with the change you can do so by following World Vision To see more of Dennis’s travels and to follow along with the rest of Instagram to drool over his daily mouth watering creations click HERE.

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