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New Adventures!

Twelve years ago I met this guy who was funny,sweet, cute and always remembered to hold the door open for me when he picked me up in his yellow European sport car.

He was kinda perfect.

Though as a design and decor obsessed gal, it was in part his trendy place that made me stop dead in my tracks; making me really ponder if we could spend our lives building a home  and life together.

You see, he had a carefully curated, fully furnished and stylish place that was also equal parts tidy and cool. The complete polar opposite from the stark dorm rooms fellow males his age lived in.

The fact that he took pride in keeping a sweet heart, a calm demeanor, great values and an inviting space  to unwind in was very intriguing.

Unbeknownst to me, and lucky for him, a few weeks before we met he had sauntered into a Leon’s furniture store and bought the place out. He mixed glass, metal and leather like a pro in his place — the place where we ended up discussing our hopes and dreams and ultimately falling in love.

You could say my husband of over a decade owes a lot to the Leon’s staff who pointed him in the right direction when he was furnishing his first place.

Don’t you think?

I always have. 😉

You can now imagine my surprise when Leon’s contacted me directly and asked me to work along side of them. I THOUGHT for sure this was the work of my still-funny-now-holds-the-FRIDGE-door-open-for-me-on-movie-night-while-we-contemplate-what-to-devour-joke-playing-husband.

I mean, my first initial meeting with the Leon’s Bloggers was even scheduled for April 1st. THIS had to be a joke right?

Happily for me it was not and I’m left feeling so excited and truly grateful to be considered for this fun journey.

Hello Yellow Blog is the official Leon’s Furniture blog and is chalked full of inspiration, DIY, recipes, seasonal crafts, room ideas and my personal favorite, before and afters!

Leon’s knows a thing or two about how to design furniture for real life. As one of the oldest Canadian companies (at over 100 years young!!) myself and generations forever have long admired their Canadian made products and the fact that they are a family run business. 

Sounds like I would love a family run business, right? 😉

They believe that real life is interesting, textured and fun and not always perfect.

Sounds like a theme around here too, doesn’t it?
If you’ve been following from the beginning of my blogging journey, first off THANK YOU, “HI MOM!” but you would also know that this is new territory for me. Up until now Ive been diligently focused on growing my personal business and have used this blog as my creative outlet and reno journal only. 
I’m excited to let you in on this surprise and look forward to you following my adventures as a contributor for the official Leon’s website — and a few more fun things to come!

Their blog called Hello Yellow Blog is run by the lovely Autumn and is completely addicting. As I mentioned earlier it is packed full of inspiring design and DIY posts from some of yours and my favorites: Thalita,  Melissa, Kassandra, Lucy, Joanna and Julie.
I can’t wait to show you what we have up our sleeves!
Until then, you can check out my mug shot over on the about page over on the  Hello Yellow blog. Would you guess from the look on my face that this photo was taken in a 12 by 12 room with the amazing Jessica from Red Suitcase Photography but that the room was also filled with four children, six adults and eight chickens? 

Yeah, she is THAT good!

Be aware that once you visit the Hello Yellow Blog you’ll be staying up all night stalking all the pretty that is over there.
You’re welcome.:D
I’ll keep you guys updated with what is to come and all the changes that have been happening over here at this little estate in the mean time. As always, thank you for your cheers as I expand in to new and fun endeavors.
Also a big thanks to my mom and dad for turning a blind eye when I hacked up their desk/wedding present/heirloom piece with a hand saw…. when I was 13. You’ve always encouraged my love for furniture and creativity and I’m forever thankful for that.

It was about time I replaced that piece, right?
Start shopping here Mom and send me the bill… xoxo

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  • Misty Blue
    April 19, 2016 at 2:51 am

    SO unbelievably proud of you! You deserve every bit of this, and I can't wait for your posts on the blog!! WOOHOO!!

  • Jen @ RamblingRenovators
    April 26, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    Congratulations! This collaboration sounds like a perfect fit. And I totally get design playing a part in finding love… on one of our first dates my husband took me to a condo model suite tour. It was love alright, ha!