I should have named this blog “Snails Pace” because that would most definitely describe our project progress.
I have been trying to keep our bathroom reno coming along by hunting down pieces that we need to complete the project and cheering nagging my husband along when he gets five minutes to tackle our ongoing bathroom saga.
One of the adventures I dragged my kiddies on was a “mirror hunt” this past week.
(I shared some process pictures on Instagram along the way.)

I have learned through working at camps and planning kid programs in my other life, the one I like to refer to as “That Time Before I had Babies.” was that, if you sing a lot and talk up the task at hand, the kids will actually enjoy the process.
Well, until they have to stand against every mirror in the store to get their picture taken since we lost our measuring tape somewhere in between Homesence and Michaels.
with my human measuring stick, my three babies and I hit some stores to
find an appropriate mirror to go above the vanity for our master
en suite.
with my human measuring stick, my three babies and I hit some stores to
find an appropriate mirror to go above the vanity for our master
en suite.
Have I shown you the “vanity” yet???
Well, here she is.
have been looking for the perfect piece to accomodate the small space that is our
en suite bathroom.
have been looking for the perfect piece to accomodate the small space that is our
en suite bathroom.
The room use to have a builder-grade-double-doored-boxy-cabinet in an offensive gold toned wood. It was honkin’ huge and took up way too much needed space, so we tore out its offensive moldiness and went hunting for a replacement.
I found the above piece at a local thrift store. I am pretty sure it is meant to be a side table or an entry table but I thought it was perfect for our space. We have a bowl sink that will go on the top of it which will make it the perfect height and will give it that little bit of charm. I am anticipating it will look like a wash basin on top of this pretty piece giving it a vintage vibe.
I want to add character to the space yet I want a pretty neutral over all look.
To recap, the floors are a chocolate brown long 12 by 18 tile and are pretty modern looking. We staggered them to give them more of a wood flooring look. The bathtub will be fitted in classic white glossy subway tile and the walls are a bright white. I knew the mirror was an element that could make the bathroom look modern or traditional so I had to nail the mirror selection. Something terribly hard for an indecisive person.
I wanted something that would be a statement piece, either shouting that it was modern and pretty or that it was classic and understated.
Two opposites, I know.
Now you can seeeeeeeee, my dilemma.
I loved this white one with the scalloped edges and thought it could be a contender, but it ended up being too big to fit between the top of our vanity and the lights above it.
This silver one was beautiful but again was too big. 🙁 Such a bummer since it would have added a wow factor to the space.
This one had the pretty and traditional look all in one and I loved it, but it ended up being too small for the space.
The mirror hunt was beginning to feel a lot like the story of The Three Little Bears.
Too big, too small or just not right.
This one looked iridescent and opal like in person and I knew the browns in it would tie in our dark flooring.
It seemed a long shot, but at the right price and because it was the right size, I shoved it into the cart next to my babies and brought it home for a test drive in our en suite.
Once in the space though, without the glaring over head lights, it actually looked much darker than I had pictured.
So I guess mirrors like this one dont mind bathing suit season?
It definitely looked better under the glaring light of the store and not in the privacy of our bathroom.
It sat in our bathroom for a few days as I hoped it would grow on me, and while I tried to recreate a plan to get my kids to go back on a mirror hunt with me.
Neither ended up happening.
In the mean time, my hubs and I joined our parental forces and braved Costco for a toilet purchase and obviously a picture opportunity.
Do you embarrass your loved ones by documenting everything too?
Please say yes so I can tell my husband he doesnt have it that bad.
A few days later, at a snails pace of cource, we mostly installed the new throne into our en suite.
Now that the vanity and the toilet are in, and against the white walls, I think I know I need to return the mirror and try again.
I’m thinking something simple, classic and pretty…
I put a similar one to this boxed rectangular mirror in my salon and I just love it. I am hoping I can find one similar so that it will add a beautiful reflective quality to the space.
Wish me luck!
Tell me, do you ever shop with your kids? Do they ask to go to the bathroom a million times too? Do you bribe them with treats like I do? Do you wish that renos didn’t take two times as long as planned?
Me too.
No wonder we are friends.
Ruth Rosenblum
January 24, 2014 at 9:32 pmLove everything about your home and YOU! The mirror on mirror is perfect, I actually had one made for my vanity. Well after a couple of years the moisture from the shower made it silver. You know that black residue that comes from old mirrors. A manufactured one probably won't do that as I think they didn't glue mine very well. Whatever you pick will be perfect.
January 25, 2014 at 3:14 amRuth, thank you so much! Your sweet words mean so much to me. xoxo I actually just found one!!! Just like my picture! Cant wait to post pics of it to show you. 😉