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Project Staircase {Getting motivated and some progress}

Remember how at the end of the summer I took on our greatest do it yourself project yet? 
Well, it is mid November and I have finally worked up the courage to continue with the biggest stair makeover process ever. 
100 spindles and counting.
I have been trying to entertain the children while painting in order to give myself enough time to paint and then with enough time for the paint to dry.
This has proved nearly impossible.
I have learned that the best way to finish anything is just to get started. It seems so simple, but once I have that paint brush in hand whilst entertaining children I really do get in the grove.

 I have a lot more to go, I have a dozen more hours of layering primer, paint and a light spray paint finish, but hopefully soon I will have the finished result to share with you.

In the mean time all other projects have immediately come to a halt and so has dish duty.
This whole DIY working mother thing is tricky sometimes, but if I just get started things will get accomplished.
Now to get started on this mountain of dishes.
What are you going to get started on today?

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