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October in Review

Well, October left with a windy goodbye taking all the colourful leaves with it. 
The trees are starting to look sparse around our parts and the days are feeling colder and colder. We are happily looking forward to celebrating November in our home.
Before we move on to November though, and all of the winter ideas and celebrations that come along with being a bit closer to Christmas, I wanted to really remember Fall 2013.
From my personal pictures and some from my IG feed, October was a month that was full of family, quality time and reflection.
We were indoors more and ate some yummy meals and developed some recipes I still want to share with you here. When we were out doors, we made the best of the gorgeous fall sunlight; days were spent at the park, jumping in leaves, climbing the pumpkin patch and even some wet hikes and some garden adventures.
We organized a bit too by bringing out our winter clothing and packing away our summer attire. We dusted shelves and organized dishes, made some little banners and snuck aways for a girls shopping day to gain some more creative ideas. We planned a couple dinner parties and had some friends in which really does mean the weather is too cold to just be meeting at local parks.
In October we said goodbye to the gelato our favorite little coffee shop carries and we said goodbye to Summer hair by all of us got a new hair do. (The baby even sprouted some hair finally!) 
We were full of gratitude this October for our many blessings, for health and amazing outcomes especially.
I hope to share with you a full post updating you on our sons health and wellness once I can sit for more than five minutes without someone needing me to wipe their bum.
October will be missed but we are ready for all of the joys of November and the impending Christmas season.  I might even pull out that Christmas cd this week….and that awesome organic hot cocoa recipe…and if I’m going that far, a few short bread cookies here and there are in order too, don’t you think?

Happy November friends.

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