2 In Childhood/ Parenting

OUR miracle boy is ONE!!!

Someone turned ONE!!
I can’t believe our baby is ONE now!
This first year of his life has been the fastest year of my life.
It feels like I simply blinked and one day my little bundle-of-a-baby that weighed a light six and a half pounds, grew into this moving little amazing person!
 He won’t even sit still long enough to let his Mama take a clear picture of him.
But that smile; that sweet smile, melts my heart regardless!
My little man’s first birthday literally crept up on me.
I think I didn’t want to admit to myself that he was no longer going to be a little baby forever.
A week before his big day I realized if I didn’t get my party-planning-mama-butt into gear, my sweet boy wouldn’t be having the traditional big first birthday party.
As my husband pointed out, 
“First birthdays are just an excuse for a mother to invite her friends over and to make a cake. The baby has no clue.”
For once, I had to agree with my man.
There is nothing sweeter than having an excuse to snap a billion pictures of a little one indulging in a piece of messy cake.
So, this last minute mama decided to plan a unique first birthday party!
A Mama-and-baby-play-date-party!

I called up a few of my close girlfriends and invited them over for a morning get together — as we would do any day of the week.
 THIS mama-baby-play-date would be a little different; 
it would include balloons and an excuse to feed my baby boy cake before lunch time. ๐Ÿ˜‰
It was also the perfect excuse to have mimosas.
We brought this regular mama-baby-play-date UP a notch. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Our friends arrived promptly at 10 AM and we got the party started by filling the house with giggles and childhood make believe fun.

(….and coffees for the busy mamas)

I kept the menu pretty kid friendly and appropriate for the time of day.

We included the ripest fruit and kid friendly drinks…
Hats that were sported by the young and young at heart alike…
We had the boy of the hour…
We had snacks that were made in my husband birth country….
(Which funny enough, were my favorite as a child!)
There were fruity flavoured candies…
Organic animal crackers….
Cheesy penguin crackers…
Yogurt covered raisins…
Polish sausage and rice crackers..
And a homemade caramel/cinnamon swirl bundt cake made with love and extra special with a darling one year old in mind!
I don’t think my heart could have grown any bigger this year.
Or our darling boy, for that matter!!!
This year has been the best for so many reasons, but mainly because we have Lucas in our lives and we are blessed with so many others who love him and us unconditionally!
We have friends that are lifelong and true….
…are giving and selfless…
…are understanding and sweet…
…are deep and thoughtful…
…and ones who are admirable and charming!
Our Mama-baby-play-date-party was such a stress free success that I know we will have to do this type of birthday party again! 
There are so many memories to hold onto from this first year of life we shared with our miracle baby….
 We are blessed beyond measure.
We have the love of so many sweet friends,
We get to awake to new beginnings with the same beautiful family we fell asleep with the night before…
We laugh and laugh until our sides hurt.
We make memories that will last a life time,
And we remember to be grateful each and every day for it all.
Our boy is now one….and we look around This Little Estate and we know that we are abundantly blessed.
It turns out that our mama-baby-play-date-birthday-party was a happy success. ๐Ÿ™‚ 

I will hold a little one year old boy tighter and a lot of sweet memories deep within my heart from now on. 

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  • Erika
    June 11, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    Happy First Birthday! It looks like you had an absolute wonderful birthday party for him:)

  • Milly Silly
    June 14, 2013 at 10:47 am


    Congrats…such a big and happy boy!
    Hope for the best! Loved the pictures.
    Will visit you more often…

