4 In Home Reno & Decor

Painted Desk

Once upon a time in a far away bedroom lived a lonely blue desk.
It had already been rescued from its previous life as an ugly golden desk.
Fake gold coloured desk.
Not the real stuff that adorns the heads of kings and queens of yonder year, but the fake coloured gold that shames furniture.
The boring blue desk lived tucked away in a boring room and dreamt of a life filled with more excitement.
It sinfully envied its fellow furniture inhabitants that had been given favour with colorful coats. It looked longingly at the Blue Entry Way Dresser and wished it too could be a show stopper. It dreamed of getting more attention and authority like the Time Out Chair.
And then one day, after lots of boring days living far away in the bedroom with a messy boy, something amazing happened.
In walked The Little Estate master, with red paint, frog tape and a determined look in her eyes. 
She was armed with a magical paint brush and the little blue desk knew immediatly that someone else had seen its hidden potential.
With a twirl of some tape and a swish of that magic paint brush, the boring desk had renewed hope of living a new colourful life…
After some time…
The boring desk wasn’t so boring anymore.
The not-so-boring-desk wore its long awaited new stripes like they were badges of honor…
And it proudly wore its new red shoes!
Infact, the not-so-boring-little-blue-desk was reminded of another character who proudly wore little red shoes, and remembered the words that character spoke with love and conviction. 
The not-so-boring-little-blue-desk agreed,
“There IS no place like home”….

Getting inspired here:
Cowgirl Up Link Party
French Country Cottage

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  • Kelly @ thelilypadcottage
    November 20, 2012 at 3:44 pm

    Love, love this post! The desk is so charming now, and so creatively written! Beautiful job as always πŸ™‚

  • City Farmhouse
    November 20, 2012 at 7:21 pm

    Love it Bethany!! Right up my alley! Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!!!

  • The Remodeled Life
    November 21, 2012 at 4:06 am

    I love the red stripes! What a handsome little desk he turned out to be πŸ™‚

  • Elizabeth (Blue Clear Sky)
    November 23, 2012 at 11:02 pm

    Very cute with her new red shoes πŸ˜‰ Certainly not boring. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment on my Christmas decor.