We each have 24 hours in a day.
24 hours to rest, work, raise our families, get our physical activity in and pursue our goals.
But how is it that some days just fly by and the only thing we manage to do is just simply survive?
Last year we all did a lot of surviving, don’t you think?
A lot of our goals and plans got canceled.
But I don’t want to see the same thing happen for 2021.
At least not for me and I HOPE not for you.
So I woke up this morning thinking about how I could change that.
Somehow though, and almost immediately, I started to get frustrated knowing that I only have 24 hours in a day.
What if half of that time I’m spent working? What if a few more hours are spent prepping and making dinner for my family? What if I only rarely get to focus time on myself?
After some recent personal health scares, I’m ready to make my body, soul and mind strong. I need to. It’s the only way I can care for my family in the way that they need me to show up for them.
So I decided that I want to challenge myself to make a change. It didn’t need to be a massive life switch and it didn’t need to drag on for weeks, but I want to kick start this spring with a 30 minute challenge to focus on self development, mindfulness, goal setting and pursuing healthier living.
And I want you to join me!
Here’s what I have in mind.
For the next two weeks I am going to focus on filling up my own metaphorical “bank account” so that when my clients, family, kids and stresses need to make a withdrawal, we won’t all go metaphorically bankrupt. Does that make sense?
Here’s how I plan to save up mentally, emotionally, physically and metaphorically.
I plan to spend 30 minutes a day pursing a passion that fills my life abundantly.
That might be studying for online school, writing poetry, practicing handstands or organizing my life.
For you, that might look totally different. But however it looks, just do it for the sheer joy it will bring your future self.
Next, I plan to spend 30 minutes moving my body.
This could be during a workout, or during a walk with my dogs, or maybe with a social distanced masked walk with a friend outside. If I don’t know where to begin I can start by searching YouTube for free workouts and go from there.
So can you. ❤️
Next, I plan to learn something for 30 minutes that’s encouraging and life giving. I then plan to share, send, copy and paste, or upload it to share with one friend or a bunch of friends. Keeping in mind that the share must be encouraging to them and their current needs. A type of daily giving back, if you will.
This could mean that I read a devotional, or that I pick up one of the hundreds of entrepreneurial books I have on the go, or I could simply spend time googling information that will make me a better mom, friend and entrepreneur.
Lastly, I plan to eat one meal a day that is mostly a nutrient dense plant based meal that will give my body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and whole.
This could mean making a smoothie for breakfast or having a massive green salad for lunch. It could mean that I DO NOT eat the kids left overs and instead I sit down and mindfully eat a bowl filled with baked and steamed veggies on quinoa for dinner. No restrictions here, just LOTS of whole good earth grown food.
I don’t know what that will look like for you or if you will want to joint me in this personal challenge of mine.
BUT, if you’re feeling like you need a pick me up, or maybe a fresh start for spring, or maybe you’re not comfortable right now, or you feel stagnant in your goals, or you just want something to get you out of bed in the morning, maybe this will help. Whatever your struggles are for you, however they look for you at this moment, you CAN change them by joining me in my Abundant Living Challenge.
Put all of your doubts and problems aside for a moment and think about how good you will feel after you focus two whole weeks on making daily deposits into your own well being.
Are you sick of breaking promises to yourself? Are you over saying that you’ll “start tomorrow”? Are you over feeling tired and irritable and unable to emotionally deal with life’s stresses?
Yeah. I get it. Me too.
So, if for a second this post got you thinking and contemplating your own health and well being, than I’d love for you to join me in this free accountability challenge.
Together it will fill up our emotional, spiritual and mental “bank accounts” so we can pour out of ourselves in every capacity with abundance!
You can join me quietly by downloading these free pages I’ve made for you with daily journaling spots. Or, you can tell the world so that you have accountability with your real life circles.
I don’t care how you show up, I’d just love to for you to spend the time on you, truly.
OR, you can DM me and tag me in your changes and triumphs daily and I promise to encourage you right back! ❤️
With any way you choose to show up for you, I’ll be cheering you on.
After all, we are stronger as a world when we are stronger together. And we are stronger mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and workers when we focus on ourselves first.
Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential.
When was the last time you filled YOU up??
Click the above link to download the FREE Abundant Living Challenge two week accountability printable!
Or, take a sneak peek below!