2 In Home Cooking

BEST ever BBQ Chicken (Slow Cooker Style)

This week has been crazy busy for our little family! 
I have been trying to finish projects, focusing mainly on the salon we are building in our house. I have committed to a June open house and now have so much to accomplish to get the space ready. 
More than once this week, I have left the house early to do running around with the kids and haven’t been home until it is time to pick up my oldest from school! 
That makes for a lonnnng and tiring day! 
Thank goodness Super Woman nowadays come equipped with sidekicks. 
Enter the beloved slow cooker.
Mine makes life so much easier when 4:00PM rolls around and we are rushing in the front door hungry and tired. I am always so grateful to have the  the smell of yummy food wafting to greet our senses the moment we step in to the house.
The kids always holler that it smells so good, and I mentally give myself a gold star for being on the ball (at least once this week) and throwing some items into the crock pot for an easy and delicious hot dinner. 
This week we devoured some slow cooker, pulled apart, barbeque chicken. It tasted as good as it smelt and our son named it “The best BBQ chicken EVER”!
Hence, having to share this recipe and some mouth watering pictures!
This one is so easy, you and all who smell this goodness are going to want to send me a thank you card in the mail. 
All Southern like. 
Just like this dish.
First, pull out your trusted side kick, the hunger killing slow cooker, and then pull out four or five frozen chicken breasts, put the chicken in the crock pot and turn on high for five hours.
So far so good, right?
Next, finely chop a medium sized white onion and mix it with a cup of
apple cider vinegar, half a cup of low sugar organic Heinz ketchup, 2
tbs of Worshestire sauce, 2 tbs of organic brown sugar, 1 tsp of salt, 1
tbsp of flaked chili peppers and approximately 2 tbs of fresh oregano.
Pour the mixture into your slow cooker and leave the house. 
You are now free to go be your Super Woman self, run your errands and change lives, one meal at a time.
Cut your chicken seconds before topping on to home made organic corn bread, or serve along side baked potatoes and a salad. 
This delicious bbq chicken is savory and sweet; it also has the perfect amount of flavor that will have you thinking you have gone on vacation to the good ole South.
You might just imagine yourself sitting on a covered porch somewhere with the warm breeze blowing through your hair and rustling your Super Woman cape behind you. 😉

Sharing and getting inspired at:
My Romantic Home
Jennifer Rizzo
Craftberry Bush Link Party
Common Ground
Liz Marie
Tatertots and Jello

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  • Debra Oliver
    May 1, 2013 at 8:52 pm

    Hi Bethany, this looks so good! I'm pinning it to try myself! thanks so much for linking up to the party!

  • Lynn @The Vintage Nest
    May 2, 2013 at 6:34 pm

    Sounds delicious. Am definitely going to try. Nothing like putting something into the crockpot in the morning and coming home to delicious smells at suppertime. 🙂