In Home Life/ Life

I want us to be friends!

I need an intervention. It is official. I have a major addiction to Instagram. 
The truth is, I had an Instagram account a couple of years ago but had my privacy settings set so only I could edit and view my pictures. As many of you have heard in the past, I am the first to admit that I am not tech savvy. At first, I thought Instagram was just for my personal use, and  I didn’t understand that it is a great place to meet like minded people with similar interests and lifestyles and to see very artistic pictures! There are some great photographers in IG land!
So, after we launched the blog a few months ago, I set up an Instagram account and I have been hooked every since, this time, sharing the snap shots of my life with others and being part of the pretty visual community there. 
My favorite thing about Instagram is that, if you don’t have a blog, than Instagram is a great way for us to share our lives with each other. 
I love getting little emails that you send (THANK YOU!) introducing yourself to me! But, it makes me sad when you say “You probably will never meet me, I don’t have a blog…” 
Well, sadness, you can leave now, cause Instagram is here to the rescue!
I thought I would share some of the pictures from my IG account, and invite you to come find me so I can get to know you too. 🙂
  1. A rare alone day with me and my girl.
  2. A very rare quiet moment. The baby asleep, coffee in hand, Saturday afternoon, with the prettiest little date.
  3. The hovering waffle….
  4. Open faced tuna sandwich with a big side of veggies.
  5. A minuscule thrift store find!! I am in love with this little mini Tupperware! Perfect for Barbie play time!
  6. Mid week play group with little miss creative.
  7. Good morning to a sleepy head!
  8. What our Friday nights are made of around here…Toys R Us!
  9. A throw back Thursday photo. My oldest boy and my youngest could be twins! Just 6 years apart.
  10. My handsome son going to a double birthday party.
  11. A sneak peek of the Healthy Butter Chicken that debuted on the blog this week.
  12. A lovely winter walk in the woods
  13. Crazy kids in the forest.
  14. A frame collection that will go in the salon after some spray paint.
  15. An accidental “selfie”. I am assuming that the baby took this when I let him play with my phone during the crazy legs diaper changes.
  16. Another sneak peek at the rast dresser hacks that were shared this week on the blog.
I hope you will drop by and say hello. For more fun come visit me!  
(Ok, Mom, go add some pictures to your Instagram account. You wont be dissapointed.)

I hope you are have a great weekend friends!!

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