In Home Reno & Decor

Storage Boxes {A DIY Story}

I wasn’t even going to peak at them since they seemed to be made of the same material that some entertainment units are made out of. 
You know the kind. 
Espresso in color but when they get the tiniest scratch they bleed out raw white press board?  I have had a few of those in my past and I figured these boxes were left behind from a bleeding and gouged piece of furniture that was dying somewhere.
 But something drew me into them. 
Once I picked one up for a closer inspection, I realized they were actually worse then I thought.
 I saw that they looked like they had gotten into a fist fight with a feline who had never gotten her nails done. 
The boxes were scratched to smithereens.
 BUT the $4.99 price tag on them made me lug them to the cash register and buy them anyways.

So, I took them home, wiped them clean, attempted to take pictures of their “before” without success and got right to spray painting them with the closest colour I could find to “crate brown” in my spray paint collection.

I let them dry for a few hours, then used some pre-cut letters that I picked up from my local dollar store, to personalize them.

I wasn’t quite sure WHAT I could put on the newly painted boxes, but I knew I would use one for storage and one for extra napkins and such.

So, I didn’t over think this one and went right with the words “Storage” and “Linens”.I evenly spaced out my letters and simply placed them on to the middle of my newly painted crates.

Then, I filled them with goods and sat on the floor to admire their new beauty.
The perfect combo in my books!
I am pretty much in love with this quick project. 
So lets break this baby down:
Two banged-up-no-good-boxes cost me $4.99 x 2 = $9.98
Brown Spray paint = FREE
Pre-cut-sticky-letters = $1.00
TWO new labeled crates = $10.98
That means this project cost me less than $12.00!!
 It was the best 12 bucks I spent in our dining area. 
We gained so much more storage for our dining room with the addition of these two boxes — that may never have been.
A small addition that added so much more. 
Stylish and necessary and they easily made our space more functional and helped with our busy and cluttered family lifestyle. 
What treasure have you scored lately at your “junk store”? I would love to know how you DIY-ed it and added your own functional spin on something old — making it new again!

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