Happy Friday friends!
Yaaaaaa, it is almost the weekend! Around here, that means throwing bedtime routine away, lazy afternoons, Sunday morning church and Sunday afternoon football.
I don’t know about you, but I love enjoying the rooms that we spend our weekends in, and I also adore making something out of nothing.
That is why I had to share with you our ever changing gallery wall that we are still loving in our living room.

You can see how I made this gallery wall inexpensively HERE if you missed it!
I threw our gallery wall together on a whim one day just to fill my recently spray painted collection of frames.
There was a lot of black on black.
I couldn’t help but love the contrast of the dark painted frames on the light colored wall.
But do you know what I loved BEST?
I loved the fact that a gallery wall is never actually “complete”; it can always be added to.

I was in love with our gallery wall but knew it needed some variation to break up all of the square black frames. So, I went on the hunt for some textured round frames.
When I spotted this wooden oval frame with the delicate faux hook at a little antique store I knew that it would be a great addition to our ever evolving wall of frames. For $1.50 I KNEW it would be perfect.
While on my travels I found some scrabble pieces and some left over grass cloth wall paper from some thrift stores in town. (Obviously, I hid my purchases in the trunk of our vehicle until my husband was safely far enough away so he wouldn’t hear the rustling of my plastic shopping bags. Shopping is always such a downer when you get questioned on why you bought the crap stuff you did.)
And besides, I had a plan for my “stuff”, so I needed my little treasures.
I knew that by combining all of the little used pieces I could make a custom up cycled piece of art.
Recycling and reusing and living green, all at its finest.
With some hiding and some glue, I made the perfect piece that my hubs wouldn’t be able to dislike.
I rearranged our gallery wall a bit and added my “I LOVE US” frame to our wall.
I love us, and I love it.
Simple and sweet and right to the point. The perfect kind of script art.
Shhh! I also added this pretty white pillow to my collection.
We have so many pillows around here that so far, my husband still has not noticed!
Thankfully he doesn’t read our blog too often so he probably isn’t even in on our little secret.
Please tell me I am not the only one who hides shopping bags in the back seat, under the passenger side seat, in the trunk and in my purse?
Also, Hubby dearest, if you ARE reading, I am totally kidding about that pillow part.
I mean, I am pretty sure that I have had it for-evvver.
Like FOR-evver.
Like, I think we got it as a gift or something, so don’t be mad.
You know you love to rest your sweet head on a pillow or two when you watch the football game Sunday afternoons. In fact, I totally think I should make you something nice to go along with your football game on Sunday. Perhaps, wings, or that dip you really realllllyyyyy love??
You know, so you can reallllllyyyy enjoy that beautiful white pillow that we have had…. for like, evvvvver.
Ya, I think so. You go ahead and snuggle up with our plethora of pillows and I will take care of all the snacks that go along with your game.
And you, reading this, you go ahead and relax this weekend too, cause you totally deserve it.
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Jennifer Rizzo
French Country Cottage
Craftberry Bush
Liz Marie Blog
October 5, 2013 at 7:44 amReally like your gallery wall, very nice composition putting them together for balance. Loved the key pics best but the oval with the scrabble pieces is great. Wish I could ever find some scrabble pieces. Love your curtains also. Happy weekend to you.
Hope your hubs doesn't find out about the white pillow, it is very good looking.
I used to hide things but since my hubs goes everywhere with me now it's kinda hard to hide anything. In fact when we go to thrift shops he finds things he knows I'm likely to want. Bye for now.
Restoration House Interiors
October 9, 2013 at 9:13 amOkay so I love this and your color scheme! Great job with the gallery wall and pulling it all together! Found you via Inspiration Gallery Linky Party! -Kennesha from Restoration House Interiors
October 9, 2013 at 1:08 pmHow pretty! Your wall looks beautiful, I love how you put everything together! And I love the little "I love us" picture! So cute! 🙂