I’m one of six children. Which means the grocery budget trumped the craft budget even though little girl me wished on every first star I saw in the night sky for unlimited crafting thingamabobs. Although my childhood wasn’t filled with brand new fruity markers around every corner and fancy art classes, my humble upbringing was overflowing with making and creating despite the limited resources.
Looking back, it was the perfect environment for creative growth and I’m so grateful for it.
I’ll always value the encouragement and the inspirational teachings from my parents. The way my mother showed me that resources weren’t just found on craft room stores and that my inspirations were never limited to what was in my piggy bank.
She showed me that there is possibility everywhere and that a little ingenuity can go a long way. She showed me how to pick the perfect autumn leaf, how to press it between wax paper, how to hide it somewhere between the pages of the big heavy encyclopedias and how in the end how to tie my perfectly preserved leaves to sewing thread to hang like a banner across my bedroom window. She showed me how to turn a metal hanger into a circle, how to cut big plastic garbage bags into strips and how to tie them together to make big fluffy wreathes. She taught me how to look at ordinary objects and to imagine what they could be. She taught me to believe that everything had the ability to change and that the outcome didn’t have to be fabulous to be fun. To see potential in everything and to always be learning and sharing.
Those fundamentals are the reasons behind This Little Estate’s Workshops.
Together with my inspiring Mama we cohosted our first workshop last month and it was a complete success. (Even though I may have shared the wrong email to respond to and wasn’t informed until a couple days before! I’m sorry! Note: Don’t write posts with kittens crawling across your keyboard!)
In the end an intimate group of us met at my parent’s charming cozy cottage in the city and learned the in’s and out’s of Kombucha brewing. (A duplicate workshop is in the works due to overwhelming requests! This time, we will give you lots of time to sign up AND the correct contact info.)
Here’s some behind the scenes snaps of the get together.

Thank you to all who took part!!
This month I’ll be hosting our second workshop but this time on location at This Little Estate!
If you’ve been following along around here then you know I love all things floral!
I may have even painted two rooms in our home with giant floral murals, you can spy one of the spaces here….
More on that to come later too!
During this Floral Pumpkin Painting Workshop you can expect to learn to trust your creative instinct and how to overcome your creative inhibitions while designing your own custom floral painted pumpkin to display just in time for Halloween! Also, making new friends and indulging on autumn treats is a plus too!
So, we invite you, all you like minded creative pursuers to take part in our next workshop on Saturday October 29th at 7:30 PM to 9PM for pumpkin painting, sharing and refreshments.
The cost of this FLORAL PAINTING PUMPKIN WORKSHOP is $25 a spot. Space is limited.
If you too believe that possibility is in your perspective and that creative outcomes don’t have to be fabulous to be fun, this is for you!
Send me (Bethany) a note directly at thislittleestate@hotmail.ca for more info or to reserve your spot.
I look forward to creating with you!
A NEW YEAR & A NEW ADVENTURE {Want to come along?} | This Little Estate
February 27, 2017 at 3:25 pm[…] your opinions and are planning even more for you this year! (You can read about our first one HERE and our second one […]