Estimated time of finishing reno + 1 extra day per child in home + 1 day per week for “Hey honey, Lowe’s is having a big sale” + distance travelling to hardware store each time you forget that box of screws.
Also you need to account for some “reset your sanity time” with your spouse away from the stress. Whether it be a movie, taking the kids to the park, going for a pint or just riding bikes away from the disaster zone.”
probably and ironically very similar to my hubby’s. Renovating with someone else is not for the faint of heart. There are different ideas, talents and expectations to manage. Throw some little kids into the
mix and that’s a whole other level of crazy town.
responsibilities so you can occupy the children, which means super slow
progress. For a duo that envisions the end result this can be really difficult.
But don’t fret, I’ve got my own advice if you are about to embark on a renovation
DIY adventure with your partner.
was key for me and probably for most people who are visual dreamers. You can
picture the end result even before you go to the hardware store to pick out
your supplies. So the hardware store trips (the planned and the unexpected ones
that come up at 9pm) will be much more bearable if you set a realistic time
frame for a certain projects completion date.
finish a particular project. Now this may seem contradictory to my first tip
but SERIOUSLY guys. Don’t. Do. IT. I
cannot even count how many times I have
date for a renovation project and then when the time nears and then comes and goes, one
or both of us becomes extra frustrated. This isn’t always avoidable though. Like when
you need that ceiling painted and chandelier hung before your birthday dinner,
but, if you can avoid firm deadlines you will enjoy the renovating process (and each other) so much more.
have kids like we do or maybe you have pets, if you are like us and you have both
it is crucial to set up ways to occupy your dependents. We use to NOT do this.
We were impatient. We would simply jump into a project and then we would have to take frequent breaks to feed
the kids, water the kids, feed the pets, water the pets and before we knew it the afternoon we had put aside had slipped
away. To avoid being dumb like us, set up your kids and family with easy to reach refreshments so you don’t
need to stop every few minutes to meet another need. This is the perfect time
to also set up Netflix for the kids, or if you’re one of those awesome parents who limits screen time, pull out the board games for them instead. Also,
bribing them to give you an allotted time to tackle a task is also a fab idea,
EVERY awesome parent should do this at least once. 😉
completed during a project. I am a die hard list keeper. If you aren’t, now is
the time to try to be. Keeping a list of what needs to be completed during a
renovation is key to keep you motivated. You will never be so happy to pop off
a fruity flavoured marker lid and to strike out #3 on your to do list.
Write down every little detail in order to feel extremely accomplished. Soon enough you will feel like a true successful and motivated DIY’er.
This is crucial. I make it a point to be sweet and kind to everyone I meet but
I really try to put my best foot forward when I walk in through the doors of
the hardware store. If you are deep into a DIY you may be frazzled, hungry and
haggard in the middle of a project overhaul. But as soon as I go searching for
that one thing we forgot to buy, didn’t know to buy, or lost while waiting for
this step of the project to be ready to tackle, I put a sweet smile on my tired
employees will become your BFFs. Take the gentleman who works at the paint
section, I see him more than I see my relatives. He lets me know when new
product will arrive that I have anxiously been anticipating and he offers personal advice
from his long history of undertaking his own projects. Not only is that just great human
interaction and a fab escape from grueling work, but the knowledge you gain will save you time and money. The sweet lady who works the front desk at
the hardware store down the street? She will let you keep a tab instead of
running around and having the hard task of remembering your debit card while
remembering which size brad nails you need to return with. The guy that wanders
the isles asking if you have found what
you are looking for? He actually wants to help you and he has a wealth of
knowledge about what product might work better for your project and which new
ones might be coming in to the store.
These people are your people and you
share the same passions. Treat them as so. Renovations are so much sweeter with little breaks here and there to see familiar faces. Your people even enjoy listening to your reno frustrations and you know your real life friends could care less that you had to make 6 trips to the hardware store in one day. Your people will be happy to see you… again.
hardware store almost like free therapy? Why Yes, yes it can be. Also, some hardware stores sell subs at each location. Need I say more? 😉