Just stopping in today to say that I am still alive, I am just in organizational mode, which really means, I’m actually drowning amongst all the crap that I am organizing.
I thought I would come up for a breath of fresh air and come say hi to you folks.
Or, if I am being honest, I am totally procrastinating.
If you were here today you would see that our living room is strewn with a laundry basket FULL of mismatched socks. I am giving them one final attempt at matching themselves with another sock in the basket, and if they cant make it work, I am ditching them.
Our kitchen cupboards are being organized so I have platic containers on every surface of our counters as well as I am working on a little painting project on the island.
I suppose that is one amazing thing about organizing, you find old junk that feels new to you because it has been in hiding for so long.
These pictures came home with me mid summer when my local Goodwill was having a 50% off sale. I bought them for their frame and Im finally getting around to painting them with chalkboard paint for an upcoming project. Yee haw! Cant wait to put these babies up and to utilize them and gain more space in our storage room.
( PS: I shared some painting tips on my Instagram Here they are if you are looking for time saving tips and easier ways to keep clean when completing projects.
tried and true painting tips I use every time: #1 Collect old fitted
sheets to cover table tops and other surfaces when painting in
them.Those tight corners are great for catching any fly away drips and
children won’t swing from the swaying sides of your fitted “drop cloth”
the same way they would with traditional drop cloths or flat sheets. #2
Pour your paint into an old jar for easy access. When you need to touch
up your painted items or your beat up walls easy access is key.
This also makes for less mess when you haphazardly smack on the metal
lid on to the paint filled metal rim from your paint pail. #fyi
#specklesfordays #3 While you are waiting to add on layers of paint,
don’t bother washing your brush, simply place and close in a zip lock
bag and place in your fridge. (If you run out of daylight and need to
continue your project the following day, place your sealed bag and brush
in your freezer and thaw in a hot cup of water when ready to start your
project again) This is an amazing tip for all the slow DIY-ers, months
later a d your brush will come out ready to be used. #5 Have a big pot
of tea, or a big bottle of wine, close at hand, you may need it when
conquering your big and bad painting projects. #kiddingmom #nowine
#justcaffeineandmuscle AND above ALL, remember that if you don’t like
it, you can paint it. 💪#exceptwhendealingwithkids #andhusbands #andpets
#butmostlyyoucanpaintallthethings #yougotthis)
tried and true painting tips I use every time: #1 Collect old fitted
sheets to cover table tops and other surfaces when painting in
them.Those tight corners are great for catching any fly away drips and
children won’t swing from the swaying sides of your fitted “drop cloth”
the same way they would with traditional drop cloths or flat sheets. #2
Pour your paint into an old jar for easy access. When you need to touch
up your painted items or your beat up walls easy access is key.
This also makes for less mess when you haphazardly smack on the metal
lid on to the paint filled metal rim from your paint pail. #fyi
#specklesfordays #3 While you are waiting to add on layers of paint,
don’t bother washing your brush, simply place and close in a zip lock
bag and place in your fridge. (If you run out of daylight and need to
continue your project the following day, place your sealed bag and brush
in your freezer and thaw in a hot cup of water when ready to start your
project again) This is an amazing tip for all the slow DIY-ers, months
later a d your brush will come out ready to be used. #5 Have a big pot
of tea, or a big bottle of wine, close at hand, you may need it when
conquering your big and bad painting projects. #kiddingmom #nowine
#justcaffeineandmuscle AND above ALL, remember that if you don’t like
it, you can paint it. 💪#exceptwhendealingwithkids #andhusbands #andpets
#butmostlyyoucanpaintallthethings #yougotthis)
I am also knee deep in Christmas decorations! I feel that if you stopped by today, you would assume we were getting robbed! Cant wait to show you the after!
If you were here today you would also see that our storage room in our basement look like it has blown up. But, I hear when one is organizing it must get worse before it gets better. I’m sticking with that theory and forging along through the piles of STUFF that we have collected for three years since we moved in.
I threw together a gallery wall in the salon bathroom one night this week, (photos to come) from the junk storage and I also found this sweet deer head.
See? Not junk at all.
I actually fell in LOVE with this little dear head when I snatched it up from Homesence this summer. I bought it with the last of my birthday money (stretched those goods out for six months!) It is funny how you can never find what you want when you ACTUALLY have money to spend! 😉 This sweet girl fit the bill and at $12.99 she was a no brainer.
I had searched my house for the perfect spot for her but couldn’t figure out where she belonged.
When I took her out of storage though, I knew she had to just GO UP.

So, I did what I always do, I shopped our house; I moved our book page wreath from our living room…
…took down the tassel garland from our office area and added the wreath and the pretty basement treasure in its center.
I love the glossy silvery against the warm texture of the book page wreath.
I also totally love that one tiny spot of my house looks put together at this moment. 😉
Now to go sort socks, organize tupperwear and finish pulling out our Christmas things. This year I am getting ready for Christmas a bit earlier then usual. I figure it takes so long to put up, I might as well enjoy it a tiny bit earlier! Because come January 1st, alllllll the holiday things come down and I crave clean and uncluttered.
Also, I am completely excited to announce that I am going to be joining with a bunch of lovely ladies to show off our Christmas decor via an online Christmas home tour.
It is going to be so inspiring!
So, how about YOU? Are you an early decorator? Or do you wait till after American Thanksgiving or Canadian Remembrance Day?
Linda Cassidy
November 5, 2014 at 6:02 pmI am a Rememberance Day decorator, my tradition has always been go to the service and then come home and start. ( helps that I lived in New Brunswick when this was started and we always had the day off)
Love your deer, I just found one at winners and i purchased it with zero idea of where it will go, i just knew i needed it
Bette Creek
November 5, 2014 at 7:52 pmYour deer head girl looks perfect with the book page wreath. I love shopping the house too. I'm looking forward to see your Christmas house tour. Jealous since mine might not go up until we move.