Once upon a time, God thought that two young, over zealous newly weds, were good enough to bring the most beautiful boy into the world.
Your baby boy joy was immediately contagious.

Though we were too young and sleep deprived to realize it then, we had officially won the baby jack pot.
You were bursting with energy from the day you were born, but you also had these amazing moments of calm and sweetness that made us believe in God, the miracle of life and the deepest kind of love – even more then we ever had.
You were ours and we loved you with all that we were!
You have always been the perfect combination of poise and thoughtfulness…
Your mommy and daddy are constantly marveling at what great things we know you are going to do with your strengths and your dynamic personality.

I mean, for one, you already are the worlds best “selfie” partner… which is, of course, every women’s dream.
…and beyond that, you have no fear.
….you have a way about you that makes a heart burst with pride.

…and the best companion for building memories that are made knee deep in mud.
You are by far the best snuggler…
the best little man…
…the best sport…
…the best secret keeper…
and the best choice we ever made!
YOU are the one who’s smile can change a days feeling…
…who’s eyes are what mothers dreams are made of.
You are more than what we could have ever thought up on our own.

It has been our honor to watch you grow from a six pound, first born baby boy…
…into the best big brother siblings could ever need.
You have changed before our eyes, and without us even realizing it at times….
You grow in bravery…
in humor..

in sweetness..
in cuteness…

in love…

in protectiveness…
Our twosome turned into a family with your birthday seven years ago today, and you continue to represent all of our firsts.
The first baby we loved. The first diaper your dad had ever changed. The first sleepless nights we all endured. The first tears at school drop offs. The first cartoon movie night. The first one to name us “Mama” and “Dada”. The first soccer game, baseball game, hockey game that we watched with pride. The first face we saw our own in. The first one who made all of the sacrifices worth it. The first little person who filled our hearts and lives with the purest form of happiness.
We adore all that you are, all that you have been and all that you are going to be!
You are our joy and our love all wrapped into one special, unique YOU.
Our first born, our forever baby, our love; even when you have outgrown our lap, you will never, ever, EVER outgrow our hearts.
“Your feet are going to go good places, your hands are going to do good things.”
-The Giers
We look forward to watching your story unfold before us, watching all that you do and cheering you on wherever you may go. We thank God every day for you and for giving us the joy of being your biggest fans.
Mom, Dad, sister and brother.
September 13, 2013 at 1:58 pmVery Sweet! Happy birthday to your big seven year old!!
September 14, 2013 at 1:57 amThanks Erika! He had a fantastic day full of fun, Chuckee Cheese pizza and too much cotton candy and ice cream. Boy Heaven. 🙂
September 14, 2013 at 3:43 amSuch a beautiful child, and a gorgeous family! You are truly blessed, but you already know that. Happy Birthday to your 'first'!
September 15, 2013 at 2:46 amThank you Doreen. We are blessed beyond measure and so thankful. :)Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend. xo
Alice B.
September 15, 2013 at 4:01 pmWhat a lovely tribute to your child. My sister has a saying.." Invest in your children and they will make you proud tenfold"
Family is a great blessing from above.
Alice B.
September 15, 2013 at 4:02 pmWhat a lovely tribute to your child. My sister has a saying.." Invest in your children and they will make you proud tenfold"
Family is a great blessing from above.
Alice B.
September 15, 2013 at 4:03 pmWhat a lovely tribute to your child. My sister has a saying.." Invest in your children and they will make you proud tenfold"
Family is a great blessing from above.