Some days I just have an intense need to create.
Some days I walk around my house looking for something to paint, redo or change.

A sweet girlfriend brought me back a six pack of the limited editions blue ball jars and I immediately wondered how I could change and utilize them in our home.
Some days, I just cant seem to quit!
(Though, I DO ignore my laundry)

I momentarily contemplated using them for our every day glass wear; I imagined us all sipping out of stripey paper straws that were plunged into beautiful blue glass.
Then, I remembered that I am the clumsiest person when unloading the dishwasher.
(Like, under our sink, we have a garbage for “glass only”)
No lie.
I did NOT want my pretty blue jars to end up with the rest of our broken glass items.
So instead, I racked my brain on how I could change, redo and USE my beloved blue jars.
With a camera in hand to document for you, I went on a whim and just started DIY-ing.
I started off with one of my favorite scents from Bath and Body works and one of my beloved jars.
I jumped right into my little project by dumping the soap from the plastic container into the jar.
Step one done.
Step two was hunting down some tools that would help me make my soap dispenser.
I gathered:
- An old piece of wood
- A nail or screw
- A toonie (Canadian $2 coin) or coin that will fit your plunger
- A Sharpie
- A pair of scissors
- An exacto knife
- A hammer
I then traced out my shape that I would eventually want to cut out.
Then I hammered in holes with my screw and my hammer.
(At this point you are tracing out your circle shape with tiny holes that will in turn make the metal easier to cut through.)
When my holes were through the metal lid, I cut along the dotted line to make a perfect tight circle for my plunge dispenser. (Sizes may vary)
Once I had a perfect circle, I cut into the the circle with straight cuts to ensure a perfect snug fit for my plunger and to essentially widen the circlular shape cut out.
Lastly, fit your soap dispenser into the metal top.
This part might take some maneuvering, but the final product should be nice and tight so soap doesn’t spill out.
This last step can be a little daunting, so make sure you have someone cheering you on and offering your refreshments when possible.
This project was super easy, and is possible to complete by “winging it” just like I did.
I thought I would incorporate some picture steps to make you feel that much more confidant when completing this small project for your self.

PS: I loved my new kitchen soap dispenser SOOO much that I made one for my home salon as well.
Ever bathroom needs a hint of the unexpected. This blue baby does JUST that.

Once the tools were gathered, this project took me under five minutes to create.
NOW I love the pretty blue glass, the friend that gave them to me, and the fact that I can now enjoy the thought and look of this jar, by enjoying its functionality every day.
Mason jar perfection.
Creativity prevails. Again. 😀
What have you made lately? I would love to hear all about it!
Getting Inspired at:
A Look Back At ALL Of Your Favorite 2013 Posts!! {Reveals, Projects and DIY - OH MY!!.} | This Little Estate
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