I had to drop in and let you see a little of our Christmas decor. We have been so busy working on all of the house projects that I haven’t posted any Christmas decorations!!
I love using something that is meant for being used one way and using it in another way! Today’s simple craft is a prime example of that!
Do you see what I see???
That bead garland the kids and I whipped up….do you recognize the wooden black and white beads??
Still no guess? I will happily inform you that I have a bucket full of these beads because they use to be all attached into one of those early nineties seat covers that were all the rage. Do you remember those? They were suppose to feel relaxing when you were driving long distances, but they were made out of wood! I never did understand how they felt comfortable, but my father had one and he swore it massaged his sore back.
When I saw one of those long forgotten “comfortable” seat covers at my local thrift store for $2. I snatched it up and knew if I cut it apart I could make lots of beautiful crafts with the kids!

So we got to work stringing the beads on to fishing wire and made this neutral rugged garland for our side table in the dining area of our home.
Our plan to make many more was short lived since the kids attention span didn’t last very long and I was left stringing away while they ran around me…. like crazies.
Not the calm crafting I had envisioned. 😉
If you find one of these seat covers, grab it! The kids played “marbles” with the beads and they played “hide and seek” with them, and my daughter even fed some of the light coloured ones as “baked potatoes” to her dolls. Seriously, hours of fun; I’m sure we could think of many more crafts to make with them!
Take for instance this gorgeous chandelier!

This one is $1,400! I love these empire chandeliers and I adore this neutral color scheme!

This one was handmade by an Etsy seller!
Didn’t she do a gorgeous job!? I think one of these is in my future…
Oh, and this cute one! Found here!
For now, this little string of homemade garland will do. 🙂
(I love that my little man photo bombed this one. He is rocking out to Christmas music in the background wearing his candy cane striped bandanna bib and looking oh-so-festive!)
I am loving this time off with the kids!!
City Farmhouse
December 23, 2012 at 12:28 pmI love that you made that from something you had:)! Your little guy is a great addition. I hope you & your family have a very Merry Christmas!Jen
December 23, 2012 at 9:12 pmThanks Jen! I hope you have a lovely weekend with your family too! Merry Christmas friend!