Yahhh it is Friday!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying the last day before their weekend!

I just wanted to drop in and say a big thank you to everyone that has decided to follow along with our little family recently!!!!
It means so much to me that you would subscribe to get updates into your inbox or that you have joined our Facebook page or are a google follower (and I love it too if you just stop by once in a while!) I can’t believe someone other than my mother would want to read what we post! ;0
I am trying to figure out all of the behind the scenes things that make this blog work. Thank you so much for being patient with me while I try to navigate through all the technical stuff.
I also owe a big thank you to Jacquelinne from Smitten Blog Design! She has recently helped make the pages on this site more user friendly. If you go up to the navigation bar you can now click on to the tabs to see some of the projects and posts that have been completed around here. They will be getting updated along the way, so you can check them ever so often to see what new things have been developing around here.
As you know, I am not technically inclined and so it was worth getting help in areas where i was completely lost. Thank you for your kind comments on the blog in general. This is fun stuff for me and has been a great way to keep us concentrating on our projects.
If you want to find something current, and fast, you can go to the right side of our blog and type in the box that says “Looking for something?”, that will help you locate a topic or post — fast and efficiently!
Say you need to remember the exact ingredients to a recipe? You can just type in various descriptive words like “recipe”, “chicken”, “crock pot” in the box on the right side of the blog and posts will come up that have those words in it.
See! Simple and easy! And made for you — cause I love you. 😉
I must tell you that I do love the sweet comments and the emails you have taken the time to share. It means so much to me to see that people other than my close family care to take the time to let me know that they enjoyed a post or felt inspired! That is the whole reason for doing this! I hope you can feel inspired to cook a new meal, do an easy project or tackle a task you thought was too difficult. If we can do it, so can YOU!
I am so happy to have you visiting and hopefully getting inspired.
Currently, we are busy finishing a to do list as high as my pile of dirty laundry!
I cant wait to share with you next week HOW we finished our kitchen and WHERE we got such great deals and WHAT we learned along the way!
Until then, I will leave you with this awesome quote that reminds me often to be thankful for my home and my life in its current state.