Once our kids go to bed, and I am finished with clients for the day, say around 9:30 most nights, my husband and I get another wind.
Somehow we both get lots of energy/ we are so over tired and start to tackle projects.
Now that is saying something, seeing as some mornings my hard working man gets up at 4am for work.
Toughest guy I know.

The other evening, we got a second wind with just enough time to run to the hardware store.
Basically, my guy got sick of my nagging and went on a trip to Lowes.
Excuse the phone pictures, but after 11pm I’m not thinking of hunting down our good camera.
I know we had these lofty plans to diy a side table as a vanity, but you guys, it was not looking as lovely as I had imagined. We would have had to take one side off and glue it on the other and the thought of MacGyver-ing the whole thing made my head spin. So, we opted out of that plan and went with an easier solution.
We went with right off the shelf for this one.
I’m not sure if you shop like this with people, but my hubs went to to the store and sent me a hundred different pictures of vanities and tops and I eagerly awaited the arrival of a new picture in my inbox. Then we called each other and debated over the phone on which one we thought would work best.
We ended up picking this one because it was the perfect size.
Our bathroom is far from giant and we knew a 20 inch vanity was actually a pretty good idea for the small space. I love how it has room at the bottom as well since you guys know I love adding baskets to every room of our house. I can see a sea grass basket adding the perfect amount of texture and warmth to the space, and fitting perfectly on that little shelf. We will end up switching out the standard knobs for something sparkly and I have just the idea that will fit perfectly.
Personally, I love that even though this is bought off the shelf, it feels heavy and solid since it has a stone top. I think with a pretty faucet it will be just right.
My guy has also been busy adding the tub surround to our big ole tub.
It is coming together!
I seriously, cannot wait to fill that tub with bubbles instead of tools!
While he was busy doing all that, I helped with some chair rail. We are molding loving people over here, so adding the small architectural details are what we love most about spaces.
Once the tub surround is caulked painted and triple sealed, we are hoping it will resemble these pretty pinned pictures. Click on the pictures below for source information.
I think we are nearing the finish line on this one and I know we both could use a soak in that bathroom once it is beautified.
And sleep. Lots of sleep.
marty (A Stroll Thru Life)
May 8, 2014 at 6:01 pmOh wow, it is really looking good. Love the moldings and the tub surround and that vanity looks perfect.
Kelly Rinzema
May 17, 2014 at 11:47 amLove it, can't wait to see it done!