In Home Reno & Decor

Just Keeping It Real! {A master bathroom reno.}

This is another “ugly” post. 
If you cringe at the sight of dust, grossness, filth and messes, please advert your eyes now.
Last night we finally began to tackle our en suite bathroom.
You may have heard me complain about the fact that the day we moved into our money pit, my husband removed the bathroom door (in order to do some demo) and the bathroom door has never been reinstalled. 
You read that right.
That first day we got the keys to our new home, we ripped out the peeling vinyl floor and the filthy itty bitty tub and liner that made up our en suite.
That floor above, was white at one point.
So gross.
We replaced the tub with an extra deep soaker jet tub. The thing is, we have never gotten to USE that beautiful tub because that is as far as we got in our en suite bathroom makeover.
The tub was so large that we had to remove the door casings and then squeeze the tub into place.
 Then, like with everything, we got sidetracked with other projects. Our kitchen remodel, the kids rooms, and about every other room in this whole house took precedence over our bathroom.
 The master bathroom has been a thorn in my side ever since.
This year, I told my husband that I wanted a bathroom door for Christmas. 
I knew Santa would understand that a girl needs some privacy every once in a while. 
It was two against one on this baby.
 I didn’t need an entirely new bathroom, because I was already accustomed to walking on the plywood floor and I liked that I could leave the bathroom a mess and get away with it, since it was too hideous and gross to actually look clean — even if I tried.
 I have learned that there is truth in the saying that “Good things come to those who wait”, cause you know what?
We are moving on the en suite reno!
And finding more grossness around every corner….
That is a 15 year old cigarette but under our vanity.
Double yuck.
So far today I have dragged our old builder grade cupboard (that was falling apart!) down to our garage and I removed the shelving in the bathroom. 
I spackled some holes and sanded them and spackled again.
Last week we bought grout and the prettiest white subway tiles for the tub and shower. 
Last night, my hubby turned off the water to the bathroom, capped the pipes and unscrewed the toilet.

Today, I am presently waiting for the putty to dry and then I will be painting the day away before clients come to get their hair painted tonight. πŸ˜‰
I have chosen to paint the room a bright white so that it feels open, airy and serene. I pretty much am obsessed with white right now.
I will be documenting all of the mess and tears along the way.
Just keeping it real. 
PS: I am hoping the after will be ready to show you in the new year! I am also hoping that by writing it here, I can now blackmail encourage my husband into long nights tiling, grouting and finishing this project. πŸ˜‰
PPS: I will be painting a lot of this weekend, but I hope YOU get to enjoy some quality time with the ones you love the most. TGIF friends!! Happy DIY-ing too!
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