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An Easy and Inexpensive Way to Decorate a Christmas tree (Quick tutorial!)

I love the glow of a Christmas tree like every other holiday adoring wannabee-Cindy Loo Hoo. But do you know what? I get all Grinch-like when I have to set up my festive decor. It can be so time consuming and messy! However, over the years as I have decked the halls for clients, national printed magazines and our home alike, I’ve figured out the fastest way to decorate, so time can be spent enjoying holiday baking and subsequent devouring. Priorities, people!

If you’re like me and want to hurry up and get your tree up and ready for Santa, I’ve got a few decor tips to save you tons of time and money! If you’re an adventure seeker this time of year and venture out to cut and carry home a live Christmas tree, than these quick tips might be JUST what you’re looking for to get your tree ready for the big day. This festive tree was literally put up and dressed for the holidays in ten minutes flat!! No fuss, or mess, no scratched arms from time consuming light installing, just a super easy set up!

Here is what you will need to get started!

1 faux tree

2 sets of one inch long colourful lights (I used a red and white mix)

12 decorative picks

20 chandelier pieces

1 bundle of live cedar

The list of items needed to replicate this easy festive tree are not only minimal but they won’t break into your Christmas gift budget either.


Two packs of lights = $10

Twelve decorative picks: 1 each from Dollar Store = $12

Twenty chandelier pieces: I got mine thrifted for $5 (Use packs of acrylic icicles from a Dollar Store (6 in a 41 pack) x 3 = $3

One bundle of live cedar: FREE from your local forest or $5 from local grocery store/ florist =$5


TOTAL = $30.00!!!


In a back and forth side to side pattern, lay your lights on top of your tree branches. When attaching in this manner you only need to secure them to your tree when you start on another tree branch level. If you are decorating a fake tree, simply wrap the branches around the lights wire when you start a new layer. If you are decorating a real tree, wrap the light wire around the tree branch.

Next, fill in the empty spots with your decorative picks. Then hang your chandelier pieces or acrylic icicles throughout. If your tree is put in a corner like ours, concentrate your icicles to the visual parts of the tree.

Add in bows of cedar, and other greenery of your choosing, periodically amidst your tree branches to fill in any gaps.

The overall look is casual and festive and will take all but ten minutes to put together! These easy time and money saving tips will leave you with more time to dance around the Christmas tree, which is exactly how one should celebrate when a holiday task is scratched off of a winter bucket list!

Now, you’ll just have to keep an eye out for any green like Grinches who might want to steal such a pretty festive tree. 😉

Have you guys decorated your tree yet, or do you put it up closer to Christmas? Less than a week left until the big day!

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