You guys! This has been a long time coming, but we finally cleaned off our hands from paint and reno grime and got to work putting together a video for you!!!
We have got a behind the scenes look at how we pull off one of our surprise makeovers! To stay up to date on allllll of our surprise makeovers that we refer to as #Theporchproject feel free to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss an update!
We have got a whole series of reveals almost ready for you, where we answer all of your questions about our giving back initiative! We will share what makeovers we have been doing, the people behind them, the messy along the way and the very pretty afters!!!!
I know you are going to love coming along for the journey with us! So lets get to it!
We will see you over on our YouTube channel, but for now, here is the latest renovation update!
What would you guys like to see in subsequent videos? More tutorials? More behind the scenes? More info on the products we use? More about the families involved in our giving back initiatives? We want to hear from you!