The little girl in me happily freaked out this past month when a group of lovelies joined me for an evening of creating.
If you missed this workshop, don’t fret my pet, there will be more to come! Here is a little peek at what happened at our Floral Painting Pumpkin Workshop.
My studio easily doubled as our workshop space for a fun evening painting pumpkins together.
Flowers and greenery graced the table to inspire the florals we were about to create.
Everyone had the opportunity to try their creative hand at transforming a faux pumpkin to enjoy for seasons to come.

We gathered around the calm of candle light for a relaxing evening in with new and old friends.
A gathering of creatives isn’t complete without some drinks and snacks in my opinion.
This particular workshop was designed to encourage the inner creative in everyone. I shared the basis for painting florals as I have done on the walls in our home (as seen in the background of this space in below picture) and encouraged the girls to put their own personal spin on a floral design.
This group was the absolute best. They all stepped out of their comfort zones and let their inner artist out. I loved meeting all the new faces and learning more about each lovely who attended.

In the end, painting pumpkins was a fun excuse to socialize, meet new people, get our hands dirty and to walk away with something pretty after an evening having a few really good laughs. 

Looking forward to meeting more lovelies at future workshops while growing our inner creatives!
Do you have an idea for a future workshop? One that you would love to attend with a friend? If you do, I would love to hear! Leave a note in the comment section below or email me directly at
Looking forward to hearing your valued opinions.
Happy creating Lovelies!