So this post has been a long time coming. LONNNNNNG time.
I guess I haven’t known how to tell you the story of heartbreak and anxiety and all that happens in between those two awful emotions. I guess I didn’t know how to sum up four weeks, way back in April 2015, that were jammed full of real estate nightmares…that eventually got us to where we are now.
Sooooo how about we say for now that we just skip past that part, K?
Let’s leave that chapter for another day and later I’ll fill you in on the way our dream home was sold (twice!!) to two different buyers before it (miraculously!) fell back into our laps. #nailbiter #forreal #cantmakethisstuffup
Let’s leave that drama out, cause guys, it’s Friday and on Fridays we don’t talk about junk like that. Nope. On Fridays we focus on all that’s good in the world like ordering in Friday night pizza and putting on pajamas at 7pm and sleeping in on Saturday mornings. Yep. I’ll fill you in on the missing chapter of this story on a Monday or something, so we can all wallow in sadness for only ONE day of the week. K? OK.
So, let’s just skip past spring and summer of 2015 and get to the part when we got the keys to our new home in mid August of this year.
It has been a whirlwind of renovating and stress since then, yes, but we have also happily been a part of changing this space below into my current salon.

You have all been asking where the salon started and HERE it is.
This space was one of the things I loved most about our new home. I looked at this little box of a space and saw major potential! What do you guys think? Do you see it too?
I mean, it is a space that is directly off of the front of the house. Perfect! It is completely accessible. Perfect! It also has two large doors to the outside that offer a serene view of green space. Perfect! It had potential to have so much light because of those two walls filled with doors. Beyond that, it is completely contained away from the rest of the house. Perfect! Exactly how I have always wanted my business to be.
Do you think you would have seen this space and liked it?
I showed a few people pictures of this space and they didn’t see what I saw, but that is the beauty about being a grown up; getting to make your own choices. 😉 Obviously I took the advice of those who didn’t see the spaces potential, but above all, hubby and I followed our hearts and we knew this room was a diamond in the rough.
Personally, I couldn’t help but LOVE it! I knew immediately that with a little sprucing up this little space could be transformed into a beautiful and relaxing space that my clients would love to be in.
If you have been following along on my Instagram then you KNOW I have been sharing sneak peeks of our progress along the reno way (’cause I couldn’t help but share some of the pretty! Like this pic below.) I AM a Stylist after all.
THIS first picture in this post, sums up where we began. I can’t wait to share with you more then sneak peeks on where we have taken this space.
I am a firm believer that if you look hard enough you can see potential in everything. Life, people, spaces and situations.
Just to make sure that I really truly DID believe that, we took a chance on this space, my way to make a living for my family and ultimately my entire business rested on this rooms transformation.
I can’t wait to show you what we have done the last little while. The messy, the more messy and the messiest times. 😉
I hope you love a good transformation as much as I do! Stay tuned!
(Also, look out for “the missing chapter” in some future MONDAY post. Don’t say Im not looking out for the well being of your weekend. 😉 Love to you all. ;))
Chapter 9: {Salon Bathroom Plans and Demo} | This Little Estate
February 24, 2017 at 4:00 am[…] that the room did need some help getting pretty. The salon had a long way to go from its BEFORE to where I envisioned it would end up. Everything was going along great with the salon […]