In Childhood/ Parenting

Feeling Nostalgic {Our Girl is FOUR Today!}

Today our little girl is going to wake up and she will be four years old.
      I can’t believe it.
I remember clearly, the day when the ultrasound tech said we were going to welcome a little girl into our lives.
I remember feeling like it had just been yesterday that I had lovingly looked into the eyes of my pretend baby dolls – wondering.
Then, suddenly, and with great delight, I knew that all the promises I had made as a young girl looking into the faces of my baby dolls, would in fact come true.
I promised night time snuggles, dress up adventures and a closet full of shoes. 
I promises hours of hair brushing, cloud gazing and giggling well into the night. 
I promised to protect, to love, and to adore
…forever and ever.
 And then, like that, with the words “Its a girl!!” I was given that opportunity.
The last four years have been amazing. 
You came at a time when we needed you the most. 
Life was hard before you and disappointments were the expected.
You came into our lives and ALL of that changed.
We went from a couple with one child to being a FAMILY. 
It took mere days with you in our life to know that you changed us. 
I watched your daddy hold you with his big strong hands, and I watched you rise and fall on his sleeping chest as I held your older brother and I knew what we had, what the four of us had, could never be broken.
You coaxed the loving sweet and protective side out of both of your parents. 
You were sent from God to make us love deeper and stronger and to commit every day to the development of our family.
From very early on you represented everything feminine; from your sweet tone of voice, to your delicate frame, to your tiny giggle. 
You were special on day one, and four short years later you grow even more dear to us.
I have loved watching you grow and change. 
Excel and flourish. 
I love your sweet demeanor, your sensitive personality and your bold convictions. 
You are small and you are fierce and you are exactly what I wished for when I looked dreamily into the the faces of my pretend babies and begged them to come to life.
You are that for me.
A dream come true; a cherished one amongst the rest.
Our hearts grow bigger with you in it, and our lives are enriched because of you and all that you bring to our family.
Thankful does not describe it, because we feel more than that.  
 We don’t deserve you in our lives, but we are so overly blessed that God entrusted you to us. 
From the depths of our hearts, my sweet girl, my sweet Audrey…we adore you and wish you the happiest year of your life — yet!
 All of our love and prayers for you to enjoy one hundred more birthdays.

We love you more than you could ever know,
and we hope you feel it every day …
 Love forever and ever and beyond always
Mom and Dad

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