Happy Sunday friends….
I have been thinking a lot lately about the important words others have said to me in the past and I was reminded of a quote my mother use to say to her kids as teenagers.
She would say it when we were going out for the night, when we went to school, when we went to work, when my parents went away; she would write it on a piece of paper and hand it to us, she would scrawl it on the family chalkboard, write it in our diarys and tape her well loved quote to the bathroom mirror.
“Remember your testimony.”
It resonates with me differently now. And I wish I listened a little bit earlier.
Now, I am constantly striving to live such a life that my testimony will be one that others will admire.

I want to continue to live my life in such a way that IF someone spoke badly of me, no one would believe it. I want to constantly remember my testimony and the legacy I am leaving to this world I love so much.
How about you? It is never too late to start…
November 28, 2012 at 12:01 amHi Bethany,
So nice stopping by to visit with you and peruse your sweet blog. Awesome seeing the tremendous work you have done in your home. Wow! It is beautiful. I have enjoyed meeting you and your precious family 🙂
Kindly, Lorraine