2 In Home Reno & Decor

A Dirty Little Secret {Progress not perfection.}

OK, we are all friends here, so I figured it was time that I let you in on a dirty little secret.
Remember our master bathroom reno that we are currently neck deep in? 
Well, it has left the five of us with one main floor bathroom to use. That means we all get ready in one room together now. We shower and bathe in this room and apparently we also fill the bathtub and counter tops to overflowing with reno supplies.
Remember how it use to look?? Well, beware…it doesnt look like that at the moment.
You see, around here, projects have a way of overflowing into other parts of our house.
Which means, once the hubs and I started spending more time in the main floor bathroom, we decided that the bathtub and shower that we had installed earlier, looked a little bit unfinished.
So we decided to add trim around the tub. Easy, right?
Not around this loveable money pit. πŸ˜‰
Our walls are never level or plum so we knew we would need to add coats and coats of plaster to our walls. 
Along the way, somehow we thought it would be a good idea to add crown molding to the space too.
So, two weeks later here we are.
Now go ahead and imagine living with wall mud and dry wall dust everywhere. Don’t even picture what that means when you try to bathe three babies and the dog in a construction zone.
Since I want to embarrass myself completely and since I personally love progress pictures, I am trying to remember to show you the whole process.
Im so sorry you guys have to endure these awful messy pictures though. I swear were usually quite tidy folks.
Our mess has even overflowed into our upstairs hallway! 
PS: It is totally normal to have a nail gun permanently fixed in your hallway, right?? PPS: Oh yes, and that is my husbands sweater tossed directly beside the bathroom hamper that has been booted from the bathroom.
Your man does that too, right?
So, it is official. We are gross. 
This is how the bathroom looked this morning after the kids left for school. 
Before they come home to mess it all up again tonight, I plan on touching up our paint and doing one more coat of white on all of the trim. Hopefully I will have enopugh time during nap time to clean this disgraceful space too.
Even though this trim work has taken us away from our master bathroom progress, I am loving the crown molding and how it all starting to look crisp and finished now.
Cant wait to have this space cleaned up and usable again! Mama needs a shower after all this dirty work!
Wish me luck!

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  • Jenna
    February 6, 2014 at 1:08 am

    I'm glad I'm not the only one living like this with all my "projects" going on….lol. Love that "rub a dub" Too cute!

  • Ruth Rosenblum
    February 6, 2014 at 9:16 pm

    Looks amazing already. Love your work…even through the mess.