In Before & Afters

Mater Bathroom Reno {Update! And all about learning patience.}

OK, guys.
You have heard my sob story before, but I mean, I think I will never let my husband live this one down.
THREE years ago we moved, we bought a new tub, it didn’t fit, so my handy hubby removed the bathroom door and that is the end of the story.
The end of the story, until NOW.
We tore out the tiny dingy tub and replaced it with a honking-jet-infused-beauty…
You know, since we cant afford an actual out door hot tub.
The long and short of it is, that we have been without a bathroom door ever since. 
It is now, officially, starting to get weird. 
Plug your ears, hide your eyes, stop reading already!
I have a confession to make but you might be scarred for life….
…are you still here? 
Still reading? 
Ok then, I warned you.
My hubs and I, we have full conversations with each other while the other one is using the bathroom.
Open door policy all the way. 
Too much information.
I know.
I know, but I had to share my grief with you first, so you could authentically share is our DIY joy!
I have been nagging about finally getting this room under control, taking the storage boxes OUT of the tub (You did read that right) and to finally finish a bathroom that would change our lives for the absolute better.
Like everything around here, if I nag remind enough, things will get moving. 😉
Between working 6 days a week, my hardworking guy doesn’t get a chance to relax. 
So, granted, projects take twice a long around here when our knight-in-shining-armor doesn’t get a Saturday off to bust out a project.
It took a couple weeks with a half hour here, and a half hour there, but the tiles were finally laid and cut this week!
The whole world celebrated!
Ok, it just felt like the whole world celebrated. 😉
I gave my hubs a pat on the back and knew that I could finish the next step with non problem-os.
Project grouting began.
Because I am not one to read instructions, or hunt down the appropriate tools and attire, I got right to work in my white kitchen sink with the dark brown grout.
Pouring and mixing and mixing and pouring.
I did manage to tie up my hair in the worst hairdo ever seen on a hair dresser, but hey, what the heck, this job needed done – fast.
During nap time, I started in the far corner of our bathroom and tried to remember hard what Mike Holmes, Brian Baulmer and Scott McGilvery had taught me on HGTV. 
 And then, like magic, a few brow wiping minutes later, the floor began to come together and surprisingly I didn’t have to call on the pros.
I grouted my salon bathroom floor in the past and knew it was living up to a lot of wear, so I figured this little room would be super easy too.
I was right.
See? If I can do it, you can do it!
For me, the worst part apart grouting is the “waiting for the grout to set” part.
Patience is a virtue I am still working on. 
If you have that already, then you will be flying through this with no woes and asking your neighbors if you can help grout at their place too. 🙂
After following the directions on the packaging, and learning a bit about taking my time, I went back and wiped down the floor a few times with some warm water and a big ole sponge.
The floor went from being really messy to…
I love that even though we picked this tile three years ago, that I really do love the way it looks laid down on the floor. 
I am also, totally stoked about the classic white subway tile we purchased to go around the shower and jet tub combo.
The room isn’t the largest en suite, but we knew it didn’t need to be a huge space to be functional.
The space looked like this, three long years ago.
We tore out the peeling floors (and of cource the DOOR!) on our first day of demo.

 Now, I cant wait for the peeling floor and the mouldy vanity to be a distant memory…

I guess, without even knowing it, I am learning patience. 😉
Slowly, but surely, this space it starting to come together; to be renewed, updated on a tight budget, and to ultimately be functional for us. 
That makes me very very happy.
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”
~Napolean Hill 

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