In Home Reno & Decor

Simple Christmas Decor {Rethinking, re purposing, and reusing!}

This Christmas I am taking the simple approach to everything.
With all of the renos we are trying to finish up before the New Year, I just don’t have it in me to decorate the house from top to bottom as usual.
Somehow, I think that I am secretly trying to prove to myself that the seven giant containers full of Christmas glitz and glam (that take up half of our garage!) are actually unnecessary. 
I even shock myself sometimes.
With age and experience I am realizing that the best parts about Christmas are actually the low key family time and the memories that come along with that.
The malls can keep their business and glamorization; this year we are re purposing, reusing and reigniting the charm of Christmas within our home.
This past week, my sweet girlie sidekick and I got to work rethinking some old Christmas decorations.
We strung some twine through these snowman ornaments and strung them on to an old broom handle, we then hung the handle across some random junk in our garage.
With a couple coats of the most beautiful gold spray paint (that we already had on hand! Ya!) Frosty disappeared and a simple row of gold bells were revealed.
After some added drying time we brought our re purposed ornaments into the house and hung them on this years simple and neutral tree.
My girl and I made some sweet memories, learned some lessons on why we shouldn’t touch wet spray paint and gave some new life to some old Christmas decor items. 
They would have been donated other wise, but now look so pretty against the twinkling white lights of our tree!
We cant wait to show you some of the other easy do-it-yourself crafts we made recently. By using some natural elements, some thrifted pieces and some gifted items, we used very little funds to decorate our home this year. 
Those seven boxes of decorations are still high up on the shelves in our garage and it just goes to show how we don’t need much to create ambiance and beauty in our home. 
I think our whole family is really going to love this years simple approach to Christmas…
after we spend some time scrubbin’ those little golden finger prints from the newly painted doors.

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